5/13 /2011 ... ready to go ... hopefully, these two completed tables will be on their choice to north carolina next week, in time for the memorial day weekend ... the lightly stained cherry one; 48 x 84 and the recycled chestnut one; 46 x 108 and, a better picture of the cherry coffee tables ... great wood the story below ... 5/6/2011 ... weve had a little run of tables in the last two weeks ... two coffee tables and two dining tables ... the two coffee tables go with the couches and lounge chairs we delivered last month ...the other two go to a cabin in georgia to one of my long time internet clients and instigator of the original duck bed. weve never met, but we have several connections that make you realize just how small the world can be ... #1. one of her best friends from high school in tennessee has a house in dorset and he and his wife were in our (will) lamaze class ... they live in new york city now and we see them only occasionally but still consider them pretty good friends. #2. when i was making the original duck bed, my fire client was in the shop and asked where that bed was going and when i told him, he knew the husband slightly as he was a member of the same club on lake erie exactly where the bed was going ... #3. when we were discussing the tables recently, she informed me she and her husband had just had dinner with some people who used to have a house in dorset and knew me ... turns out i kept my convertible in their garage for two winters about 10 years ago. its a really small world sometimes and someday, ill make the trip down there to meet them ... i feel like i know them already ... anychoice, here goes .. click the photos to enlarge them ... this is the beginnings of the chestnut porch table in the sketches and cad drawing above ... we sort of adjusted proportions and details as we went along and will put the first coat of finish on the table base and bottom of the top on his choice out the door today ... here hes gluing in the central elements and attaching the long beam to the glued up base .. we hosted a dorset chamber of commerce (check out our new website) mixer last night and i was able to set up the table to show work some of our work in process and as a place to cut the cake celebrating the 250th anniversary of the chartering of dorset in 1761. the celebration will be townwide on the 20th of august ... the second dining table started with this fine log of cherry from (as usual) our friends at irion lumber ... the cad drawing based on our own dining table nice wide matched planks ... will will put the final coat of finish on the base and top of this one tomorrow ... this design is based on our own dining table that i made in 1987, only without the black legs and inlays ... and then we also made two bethlehem steel style coffee tables .. this client bought the original one board mahogany version last year at open studio, which, by the choice, is coming up again in just 3 weeks ... memorial day weekend, hundreds of vermont artists will be once again be opening their studios saturday and sunday to welcome both local and out of state guests .... you know, these pictures just dont do these boards justice ... they have that once every 5 years ropy curl to the cherry ... alchoices a treat ... alchoices hard to capture in a picture ... these tables will go in the same room, which is appropriate, because the boards were once ten feet long and the round table boards were attached to the rectangular table boards before we cut them ... another connection ...
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