Our client for the black vanity sent us the specs for the sink she had chosen and in looking it over, I noticed the highlighted sentence below ... After talking it over with my marble cutter, Johnson Marble, in Proctor, Vermont, we decided it would be safest if we got the actual sink and faucet since the top was going to New York City ... We have time to do it right, but not time to do it twice .... Click the pictures to enlarge them ... We started by cutting a section out of the cardboard so we could trace the inside outline of the sink bowl. Cut some holes for the faucets ... Interestingly, the pipe for the faucet was not in the center of the fixture and was a different size .... glad we checked looking from underneath Set it up right side up and then we had our finished template ... Off to the marble mill, a fantastic old facility adjacent to the Vermont Marble Museum in Proctor. Coming in the front door .. Its a great old industrial space .... Looking back the other choice from the far end... Showing the honed finish A rough slab of Danby Montclair, with nice black/brown markings ... showing the layout .... I forgot to take a photo of the building from outside, but its very cool the choice it relates to the rest of the site ...
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