real spring is here !! after a pleasant, but strange, fake spring back in march where the temp went up into the 70s and 80s, now its really real spring. the leaves are just starting to pop; the asparagus are up and were eating them; the crab apple tree went from greenish to PINK in 3 days. and, weve had some serious rains a couple days apart to get the streams up for sam, the fisherman in the family. click the photos to enlarge them.
this display only lasts a day or two, but its cool when its up ... the toads are back and singing, and laying millions of eggs in kits pond ..
theres a little shelf holding up the air conditioner outside the metal shop where mrs. robin makes a nest. she was starting to build on top of last years, which can be messy and risky, so kit whisked achoice the old nest and temporarily set it on the top of the grill ... it is an exquisite object, perfectly round in a choice thats hard to imagine a bird pulling off. the clay and grasses are from the edges of one of the ponds, and then the fresh grass lining in the nest below ... perfect ...
kit thinks shell lay one more today and then start to sit ... beaurtiful !
and i finished stacking next years wood yesterday ... earliest ever.
and sunday, we did some spring cleaning. borrowed an 8 foot step ladder, vacuumed off the ceiling fan, the top of the entrychoice closet and washed the insides of the velux windows !!! wood heat can be messy, but with oil at $4.00 a gallon, ill take the mess thank you ... im getting the hang of the new blogger interface, but its a bit of a struggle ... grrrrrr ... i do like how fast the pictures enlarge when you clcik on them.
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